Policies and Submissions

This blog is used to read and review primarily New Adult, Young Adult, and Middle Grade books.  Though occasionally I will review contemporary classics (Steinbeck, Salinger, etc.) and Adult books, those will be few and far between.  I will always be honest, never trading a free book for a good review, as well as classy.  I don't use .gif's or nasty language, and if for some reason I dislike a book, I will try to justify my reasoning the best way that I can.

I prefer published sources, but am willing to read self published sources that are completed.  For inquiries on where to send your ARC please e-mail abookandarecord@gmail.com with the Title, Author, Genre, and Release Date.  If you have a date you would like your book reviewed by please include that in your initial e-mail. I do not return or sell ARC's, and am not responsible for postage. I am based in the Western United States.

Electronic and Self-Published Submissions:
For all electronic and self-published books, please read the following carefully:
When submitting a book for review include:
1. A three to four sentence blurb about your book. (what would be found on the book jacket)
2. A short author biography to include in the review.
3. Where your book may be purchased (in descending order of your preference).
4. Your book in .mobi or .pdf format.

Please e-mail all self-published and electronic submissions to:

All of my reviews are posted in full to this site and goodreads, with links to reviews posted on twitter.